We Need Your Insight: Using Second Life for Education

Rockcliffe University Consortium is collaborating with the Linden Lab Research Team and the Virtual Worlds Education Consortium to gather data in order to suggest product enhancements & new features which will benefit both instructors and students.
We would like to invite you to participate by completing a short survey that should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete although it could take longer if there are substantive comments you wish to include.
The objectives of this survey are to understand:
- more about who is using Second Life,
- your experiences and challenges,
- your views on what would make the platform better, and
- what support systems are available to you.
The goal of this survey is to gather data for suggesting product enhancements to the Linden Research development team for consideration in upcoming product releases.
Rockcliffe will be conducting optional follow-up focus groups in August and September if you are interested in participating.
If you could share and let other educators know about the survey, it would be much appreciated.
The 2022 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is happening March 31-April 2, 2022.
Please remember to save the date. Watch for the Call for Proposals to be released mid-fall.