Second Life is a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) made by Linden Lab, referred to as SL for short. The environment is user created and managed, so that anyone can create experiences for social, educational, advocacy, and business purposes.
Rockcliffe Main Campus and Library
Rockcliffe’s main virtual campus is located in Second Life which acts as a virtual headquarters. The campus includes eight regions (approximately 1.2 sq miles) encompassing:
- Classrooms and Workshop Spaces
- Virtual 3D Library
- Performing Arts Center
- Art Gallery
- Sandbox
- Community Village
- Public Gateway for New Second Life registrants
- Makerspaces for Professional Member projects
For creators/designers. Build your next activity, experiment, or test simulation with us, if you want to try your skill at building and scripting in this virtual environment.
For educators. Create your own activity or use one of our classrooms to engage your students in immersive learning.
When you create your account and login, you will land in the Second Life Rockcliffe Gateway. The region contains a tutorial with information on how to interact in this 3D virtual environment, including how to move, communicate, view your world from different angles, search for new locations to visit, join groups, and much more.
Other Destinations
The Second Life Destination Guide has hundreds of locations to visit. The destination guide also can provide for some great ideas for creating your own unique space in Second Life.
Destinations are rated as either General, Moderate, or Adult. Second Life is generally for adults 18 years and older; however, if you are 13 years of age or older you can use Second Life with some restrictions.
- 16-17 years old you can access regions and search results that have a General maturity rating.
- 13-15 years old, you can access Second Life through an affiliated organization and will be restricted to the private estate of that organization. Only avatars approved by that organization will be able to enter these regions.
Adult regions require age verification are specifically for adult oriented activities. You can think of these regions as similar to how films may be classified as either NC-17, R, or X for adult content.
Social Communities
Second Life has thousands of social communities that you can join including communities with a focus on role-playing, business, education, non-profit, arts, media, social activism, and many others. Most are open enrollment and friendly to newcomers.
Second Life has its own economy, and in-world money (Lindens) can be traded for real-world money similar to other real-world currencies.
The virtual environment is free to access, but in-world money (Lindens) or a fee ($USD) is required if a user wishes to own in-world land or purchase goods from vendors in-world or the Second Life Marketplace.
The Second Life Marketplace features thousands of products including avatar looks, clothes, building supplies, homes, real estate, and more.
Land in this virtual environment is divided up into regions (also called islands or sims) and parcels (space that is a sub-division of a region space). Second Life residents can build various types of simulations either in a temporary sandbox space (a common area where anyone can build) or by leasing land.
Create Your Own Experience
If you aren’t finding exactly what you are looking for you can create your own experience. Create your own social groups, purchase land, buy objects to create the experience you want or build your own.
Rockcliffe Community Gateway
The Rockcliffe Community Gateway is your place to start in Second Life. The region contains instructions on how to move, work your camera, search destinations, join groups, and much more.
To start you need a free Second Life® account.
Using the Rockcliffe Gateway will automatically send you directly to our Gateway after you sign-up.
If you already have an account and want to visit our Gateway, copy and paste the following Second Life URL (SLURL) into your viewer once you are logged in and this will take you directly to the Rockcliffe Gateway.
Rockcliffe Main Destinations
Rockcliffe Front Desk (SLURL)
Rockcliffe Library (SLURL)
Art & Gallery at Studio 33 (SLURL)
George C Dove Performing Arts Center (SLURL)
Environmental R&D Center for Economic, Social, and Technological Sustainability (SLURL)
Rockcliffe Sandbox (SLURL)