Rockcliffe’s just-in-time curriculum methodology is different from other methodologies. Social context drives it, capitalizing on the differences that exist between knowing something, having an understanding of something, and having knowledge of something.
Rockcliffe’s methodology is a socially participatory process involving members of the educational community, students and instructors, at all levels of development process.
Phase I is focused on development of the needs analysis and literary review of what is currently known. Participation in the needs assessment survey will be open to anyone who wants to potentially inform the direction of the course.
Phase II is focused on the integration of needs, what is known, what tools best fit the relationship between the two in order to build understanding of the topic. The resulting curriculum is validated through a proof of concept study which confirms that the materials and structure of the course can pass certification and/or accreditation review. Participation in the proof of concept study will be open to anyone who wants to potentially inform the direction of the course.
Phase III is focused on piloting the curriculum with students and peers within the topic’s community of practice. Evaluation is conducted throughout the pilot to validate the needs, outcomes, methods, and assessment tools used with the outcomes of these evaluations being incorporated into improving the curriculum. Participation in the pilot and evaluations will be open to anyone who wants to potentially inform the direction of the course.
Upon final approval by Rockcliffe’s Curriculum Review Board, the course is then made available for Professional Development.
As part of the Rockcliffe registration process – new courses currently in development will be listed along with other approved courses providing transparency on curriculum in development and providing opportunity for individuals wanting to inform the direction of the course to participate.